Aryn Hala

The Land Where Culinary Innovation Goes on Holiday

The Land Where Culinary Innovation Goes on Holiday

Australia, the land of sun, surf, and surprisingly little original cuisine. While the nation boasts a stunning landscape and a unique blend of wildlife, when it comes to culinary heritage, it seems that innovation has taken an indefinite vacation. The food scene in Australia is less about pioneering and more about perfecting the art of […]

Why Canberra Is Terrible and a Fake City

Why Canberra Is Terrible and a Fake City

Welcome, dear readers, to Canberra – Australia’s capital and the epitome of governmental boredom. Nestled somewhere between Sydney and Melbourne (so it can keep an eye on the real action), Canberra is a fake city that pretends to exist for the sake of political correctness. But let’s not be fooled; this place is a mirage, […]